
Through cultural music, dance, and stories, PSA Barkada celebrates Filipino culture and identity and spreads this appreciation throughout the entire campus community.

Barkada welcomes dancers and non-dancers of all skill levels, and serves to create a tight-knit community within PSA. Our talents spread across cultural dancing choreography, traditional music performance, and videography.

Barkada participates in events year-round – most notably, at FACT, a conference hosted by UIUC; Battle of the Bamboo, hosted by FIA at the University of Illinois at Chicago; and FCN, our very own celebration of our Filipino heritage. In addition, we perform at various events around campus and within the Champaign-Urbana community, collaborating with other organizations such as the Asian American Association and the Taiwanese American Students Club.

If you are interested in becoming involved in Barkada this year (in any capacity!) fill out the interest form here!

Barkada Media